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Spotlight on Oncology

Learn how five cancer researchers are using single cell technologies to advance our understanding of tumors

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Heterogeneity in tumor cells, tumor microenvironments, and therapeutic responses present considerable challenges for researchers investigating cancer. Traditional bulk analysis methods mask individual differences between cells, but new approaches for single cell analyses offer researchers a more complete picture of cancer and new avenues for finding potential therapeutic targets.

In this ebook, we profile five cancer researchers who use single cell techniques to advance our understanding of cancer.

Download this ebook from The Scientist’s Creative Services team and 10x Genomics and to read how

  • Benjamin Izar advances melanoma research as a physician-scientist
  • Billy Lau uses his computer science background to deconvolute single cell data
  • Samuel Bakhoum explores chromosomal instability and metastatic cancer
  • Michalina Janiszewska defines heterogeneous tumor ecosystems
  • James Neal creates better 3-D models for studying tumor responses