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Getting the Most Out of Cell Sample Preparation Using Automated Laminar Flow Technology

Discover an alternative to laborious, turbulent, multi-step centrifugation for cell separation.




Cleaner Cell Separation with Laminar Flow Technology

Scientists use centrifuge-powered sedimentation to separate and collect cells for a variety of research and medical applications. However, high-speed centrifugation creates a tightly packed pellet containing both the desired cells and unwanted debris. Centrifuge separation is also a time-consuming multi-step manual process involving considerable mechanical force—from spinning, transferring, and washing. Laminar flow-based technology uses automated microfluidics to flow buffer over cell suspensions. As buffer passes gently over the sample, it captures smaller debris for aspiration, leaving behind a clean cell suspension.

Download this article from Curiox to learn more about laminar flow-based alternatives to centrifugation.