Despite the widespread use of conventional cell culture techniques, whether it be in 2D plastic flasks or low density suspension culture, it is becoming recognized that this is not the most physiologically relevant way to grow cells or the best way to collect produced biologics.
Hollow fiber bioreactors (HFBR) allow cells to be cultured at tissue-like densities over long periods of time. The hollow fibers act as “artificial capillaries” and perform much as capillaries do in the human body. The biomimetic HFBR system is a high-density continuous perfusion culture system, which presents a 3D environment similar to in vivo conditions and supports the continuous control of parameters such as oxygenation levels, medium composition, drug concentration, and shear stress. HFBRs are an effective means for in vitro assays and the generation of biologic products.
Download this white paper from FiberCell Systems to learn more.